Mike's Sewing Machine Repairs

small sewing machine servicing

Wondering if it’s worth servicing your small sewing machine? Yes, it really deserves it. There isn’t a more loyal sidekick than your sewing machine – it distracts us when we are stressed, lets us yell at it when we are angry, entertains us when we are bored and keeps us motivated when we are lacking energy. Most of all, sitting in front of a sewing machine brings us hours and hours of solitude where the cares of the world are forgotten as we focus all of our attention on matching up a seam. More than just an appliance, the sewing machine is the one thing in the house that is entirely ours, and we all remember when we bought it and where we got it from.  We even remember how much we paid for our sewing machine, and no matter if it cost $30 at a garage sale or $3000 as a wedding present; if it’s a little starter model from Spotlight, or an enormous big brand that needed saving up for, they are all filled with complex moving parts that need taking care of. If your sewing machine brings you joy, what better way to reward it than to keep it serviced and sewing smoothly with you for many years (and projects) to come?

At Mike’s, we recommend that if you sew once a week, you should get your sidekick serviced once a year, if you sew once a month, then every two years, and if you sew every day (lucky you!) then once every six months. And if you don’t think you’ve ever had a service, it’s never too late and there is no time like the present!

You can find out our service pricing HERE.