Some important things to know about our Book & Sew service.
- Usually we’ll text you around 3 days before your estimate turn.
- Please be mindful that if you can’t get to us within 5 days of us contacting you, there is a chance that your service may be delayed.
- We’ll contact you at Mike’s best guess as to your service’s turn. Occasionally a job prior to yours may take longer than anticipated, so we ask you to expect a turn around of a couple of days, just in case. While we will work very hard to get your machine back to you as soon as possible, we are unable to offer a same-day result.
- We don’t charge any extra for this service. The $25 deposit is standard on all of our sewing machine servicing. The balance of your service is payable upon collection. For all of our prices please Click HERE. If you aren’t sure which service applies to your machine, feel happy to choose “I’m unsure” – we’ll always confirm pricing when you bring your machine down.
- Please bring all of your accessories – Click HERE to see a list reminding you of what you’ll need. Unfortunately, while we do have many spare accessories, if you leave behind an important accessory that we don’t have, it may delay your turn-around.
- This is best suited for standard services. If you’re machine is functionally faulty, please still feel free to book however it is likely we will have your machine for longer.
- Parts will always slow down any work we do. If we require a part necessary to finish your service, then there will most likely be a delay. If this is the case, we will contact you.
- Should you not follow through on your booking within 30 days from our contact with you, unfortunately your deposit is forfeited.
- Should you decide that you do not wish to go ahead with a sewing machine service at Mike’s, if you’re within 30 days of booking and no work has been done, we are happy to refund your $25 deposit.
An important disclaimer that we are proud to make: the repair or servicing of some late models of sewing machines by Husqvarna VIKING, Pfaff and Bernina, should only be done by a technician who is a certified sales agent of these models. Because we are not reseller of these brands we don’t have this certification. We pride ourselves on our integrity and adhere to this policy within the industry. This means that there are a handful of models that we don’t service.
If you are unsure about your sewing machine, please feel free to contact us before booking: 0417 649 685. If we are unable to help you, we will happily direct you to someone who can. We strongly recommend that you protect your warranty for these models by only taking them to a certified dealer.