Mike's Sewing Machine Repairs

Singer 2026 Denim Needle


Singer 2026 Denim Needles are shaped with a smoother tip to push through heavier fabrics instead of punching through. These needles are branded as Singer however they can be used on most domestic sewing machines.

  • 130/705H-J system code
  • multi-size pack 90/14 and 100/16
  • pack of 5

More Information

Sewing heavier fabrics, or lots of layers and heavy seams in everyday woven fabric? Then it’s time to switch out your Universal needle for a Denim Needle, also known as a Jeans Needle

Some things to sew with a Denim Needle:

  • Denims
  • Drills
  • Heavy cottons
  • Canvas
  • Quilting projects
  • Webbing
  • Corduroy